FSC 1st Year Biology Guess Paper 2023

1st Year Chemistry Guess Papers

1st Year Biology Guess Papers include short questions and extended questions, it is very necessary and students will be able to prepare for their exam through guess paper 1st-year biology all Punjab board 2022. Students can get 100% results through smart work. The marks of the Fsc (HSSC exam) are necessary for a student’s future.1st Year Notes for All Subjects are also available. Preparation according to the paper Pattern is also a must. Download 1st Year Pairing Scheme of All Subjects.

FSC 1st Year Biology Guess Paper 2023

(Important Questions)

UNIT-1 Important Short Questions

  1. Branches of biology
  2. Significance of the study of fossils
  3. Differentiate between inductive and deductive reasoning
  4. Compare Theory and Law
  5. How and when does a hypothesis become a theory
  6. Define the following:- biological control, IDM, hypertonic culture technique, pasteurization, bioremediation, endangered species, vaccination, productive theory, hypothesis
  7. Define population and write its effect

Long Questions

  1. Explain the biological method to solve a biological problem
  2. Given the advancement of biology in the production of food
  3. Describe the protection and prevention of the environment
  4. What is the role of the study of Biology in the welfare of Mankind

UNIT-2 Important Short Question

  1. Define biochemistry. Give its importance.
  2. Differentiate in catabolism and anabolism.
  3. Give the chemical composition of the bacterial and mammalian cells.
  4. Write any two productive functions of water.
  5. Define heat capacity and heat of vaporization for example.
  6. Define carbohydrates and give their general formula,
  7. Compare nucleotide and nucleoside.
  8. Compare Purines and Pyrimidines.
  9. What is fat considered a high-energy Molecule?
  10. What is the general formula of amino acids?
  11. What is the percentage of water in the brain cells of man?

Long Questions

  1. Write a note on the importance of water.
  2. Explain the structure of the protein.
  3. Write a short note on the amino acid.

UNIT-3 Important Short Question

  1. Define enzymes (Biocatalysts)
  2. Define active sites and write their two parts.
  3. Define cofactor and activator.
  4. Differentiate between prosthetic group and coenzyme.
  5. Differentiate between Apoenzymes and Holoenzymes.
  6. What do you mean by the Lock and Key model of enzymes?
  7. What is the induced fit model?
  8. What is an inhibitor and write its types?
  9. Compare competitive and non-competitive inhibitors.
  10. How does an enzyme accelerate metabolic reaction?
  11. What is activation energy?

UNIT-4 Important Short Question

  1. What are cell fractionation techniques?
  2. What is the chemical composition of the cell membrane?
  3. What are unit membrane models and fluid mosaic models?
  4. Compare primary and secondary wall
  5. Write the function of the cytoplasm.
  6. Compare cristae and cisternae.
  7. What are polysomes, murein, autophagosomes, and storage disease?
  8. The function of vacuole and nucleus.
  9. Is there any similarity between bacterial and plant cell walls?
  10. Compare chromatin and chromosomes.

Long Question

  1. Describe the function of the plasma membrane.
  2. Write a note on the cell wall.
  3. Describe the function of E.R.
  4. Define the structure and function of mitochondria.
  5. Write a note on plastid
  6. Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
  7. Compare the structure and function of chloroplast and mitochondria.

UNIT-5 Important Short Question

  1. Define species.
  2. Define binomial nomenclature. Who introduce it?
  3. Write down the classification of corn.
  4. What are Prions and viruses?
  5. What is capsid?
  6. Write the name of any four viral diseases.
  7. What are obligate parasites?

1st Year Biology Guess Papers Long Question

  1. Describe the life cycle of Bacteriophage.
  2. Draw the infection cycle of HIV.
  3. Write a note on Hepatitis

UNIT-6 Important Short Question

  1. What are streptococcus, staphylococcus, and tetrad?
  2. Classification of bacteria on the basis of Hagella?
  3. What are pills and write their functions?
  4. Compare cell walls of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Long Question

  1. Describe the nutrition of bacteria.
  2. Classification of bacteria on the basis of respiration.
  3. Explain different phases of growth in bacteria.
  4. Describe different chemical and physical methods to control bacteria.
  5. Write a note on the use and misuse of antibiotics.

UNIT-7 Important Short Question

  1. Kingdom protest is defined as exclusion. How?
  2.  What is meant by a polyphyletic group of organisms?
  3. What do you mean by Giant amoeba?
  4. Write two characters of Zooflagelates.
  5. What is Trypanosoma?
  6. Compare pseudopodia with cilia.
  7. What is conjugation?
  8. Differentiate between choanoflagellates and trichonymphous.
  9. Differentiate between micronucleus and macronucleus.
  10. What is Coenocytes and thallus?
  11. What are diatoms, give their importance
  12. What are kelps?
  13. Write four characters of green algae similar to plants.
  14. What is Chlorella?
  15. Write the importance of algae.
  16. Write similarities and differences between fungus-like protists and fungi?
  17. Write two characteristics of Oomycetes and slim molds.

UNIT-8 Important Short Question

  1. What is nuclear mitosis?
  2. Define hyphae and write their types.
  3. What is Mycelium?
  4. What are mycorrhizae?
  5. What are haustoria?
  6. What are carnivorous fungi? Give example.
  7. What are dikaryotic hyphae?
  8. What are karyogamy and plasmogamy?
  9. Compare rust and smut.
  10. What are histoplasmosis and aspergillosis?


  1. Describe the taxonomic status of fungi.
  2. Describe nutrition in fungi.
  3. Describe the general characteristics of fungi.
  4. Explain sexual and asexual reproduction in fungi.
  5. Describe ecological gain and loss due to fungi.

UNIT-9 Important Short Question

  1. Define bryophytes and why they are said to be amphibious plants.
  2. Define the term heteromorphic.
  3. What are gymnosperms? Also, give an example.
  4. Define double fertilization.
  5. Compare monocot and dicot.
  6. Compare megaspore and Microspore.
  7. What is heterospory?


  1. Write a note on the adaptation of bryophytes on land habitats.
  2. Write a short note on the evaluation of the leaf.
  3. Describe the evaluation of seed habitats.

UNIT-10 important Short Question

  1. What are Diploblastics, triploblastic, Acoelomate, Coelomate, Psuedocoelomate, Gemmules, Hermaphrodite, and protandrous?
  2. Compare ostia and Osculum.
  3. Write the importance of spongs.
  4. What are nematocysts?
  5. What is enteron?
  6. Compare Polyps and medusa.
  7. What is polymorphism?
  8. What are coral reefs?
  9. What are flame cells?
  10. What is metamorphosis?
  11. Define nymph/Instar.
  12. What is redula?
  13. What is haemocyanin?
  14. Define regeneration?
  15. Differentiate between Radial and Bilateral symmetry.

UNIT-11 Important Short Questions

  1. Define the following:- bioenergetics, photosynthesis, compensation point, bacteriochlorophylls, chemiosmosis, Accessory pigment. Respiration, types of fermentation.
  2. Write molecular formula of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b.
  3. What are antenna complex?
  4. Compare photo system-I and photo system-II.
  5. What is cellular respiration? Write its stages.
  6. What is net production of ATP during Glycolsis?
  7. Difference in phosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation.
  8. How is the formation of Vitamin A linked with eating of carrot?


  1. DESCRIBE Van Neil Hypothesis.
  2. Write a note on Non-cyclic phosphorylation.
  3. Write a note on cyclic phosphorylation.
  4. Draw and explain Kalvin cycle.
  5. Explain Glycolysis.
  6. Explain Kerb’s Cycle.
  7. Write a note on Respiratory chain.
  8. Compare photosynthesis and respiration in plant.


  1. Define symbiotic association with an example.
  2. Give the function of the oral cavity.
  3. What is the composition of gastric juice?
  4. What is hunger pang?
  5. Define peristalsis and anti-peristalsis.
  6. Write names and functions of enzymes secreted by the pancreas.
  7. The function of Gastrin and secretion.
  8. Differentiate in diarrhea and constipation.
  9. What is common food poisoning?
  10. What is botulism?
  11. Write symptoms and causes of dyspepsia.
  12. How can we control obesity?


  1. Describe Heterotrophic Nutrition in Plants.
  2. Write a note on digestion in the oral cavity in man.
  3. Describe digestion in food in the stomach.
  4. Describe the digestion of food in the small intestine.
  5. Define nutrition. Describe the role of different elements in plants nutrition.


  1. Advantages and disadvantages of gas exchange in air and water.
  2. Compare stomata with lenticels.
  3. Write properties of respiratory surface in animals.
  4. Function of nasal cavity.
  5. What is diaphragm and pleura?
  6. Compare inspiration and expiration.
  7. What are alveoli?
  8. Compare oxyhaemoglobine and carboxy haemoglobine.
  9. What is CO2 concentration in arterial and venous blood?
  10. Differentiate haeomoglobin andand myoglobine.
  11. Write a note on cancer, T.B, asthma.
  12. Write composition of inhaled and exhaled air.
  13. What is diving reflex?
  14. How does breathing differ from respiration?


  1. Describe processes involved in the absorption by roots in uptake of minerals.
  2. Define transpiration.
  3. Define Imbibtion, and bleeding in plants, source, sink, pressure flow theory.
  4. Write function of protein present in plasma?
  5. Write function of platelets.
  6. Compare bicusbid and tricusbid valves.
  7. What are blue babies?
  8. What ECG?
  9. What is the function of artificial pacemaker?
  10. What is hypertension, myocardial infaraction, systolic and diastolic pressure?
  11.  Compare thrombus, embolus.
  12. Differentiate in blood and lymph.
  13. What is cell mediate response?
  14. What is antiserum?


  1. Write a note on Ascent of Sap.
  2. Describe different hypothesis for opening and closing of stomata.
  3. Comparison of open and closed circulatory system.
  4. Write down function of blood.
  5. Explain Leucamia and thalassemia.
  6. Write a note on W.B.Cs.
  7. Describe structure and function of human heart.
  8. Compare structure. Function of artries, vein and capillary.
  9. Define lymphatic system. Give its function.
  10. Define immunity. Give its major types.

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